Sl.No | Name | Designation | Contact No & E-mail |
1 | Sri. Jayaraj G | Director | 9447152131, 9048005575 director[at]cdit[dot]org |
2 | Sri. Jayadev Anand A.K | Registrar | 9895048386, 0471-2383506 registrar[at]cdit[dot]org |
3 | Sri Sajith. K.I | Administrative Officer | 9447458188, 8921083923 sajithsecretariat[at]gmail[dot]com |
4 | Sri. M. R. Mohanachandran | Deputy Director (Education & Training) |
9895788133 mr[at]cdit[dot]org |
5 | Smt. Deepa.N | Deputy Director (E-Governance and Digitisation) & DD(Regional Centres) |
9895788220 deepa[at]cdit[dot]org |
6 | Sri. Jayaraj N | Deputy Director (R&D) Deputy Director (Projects) |
9447018629 jayaraj[at]cdit[dot]org |
7 | Sri. Biju S B | Deputy Director (Web & Social Media) & Informatics |
9895076082 bijusb[at]cdit[dot]org |
8 | Sri. Manoj Krishnan | Deputy Director (Communication) & Course Director |
9447886486 manojkrishnanp[at]cdit[dot]org |
9 | Sri. Binu Kumar R G | Finance Officer & State Public Information Officer | 0471-2380910, 2380912, 2380953 accounts[at]cdit[dot]org |
10 | Smt. Rajitha.K.S | Head of Department, Application Testing & Integration Department |
9895788226 rajitha[at]cdit[dot]org |
11 | Sri. Mukesh.A.P | Head of Department, Electrical & Video Maintenance, Green Energy |
9895788334 mukesh[at]cdit[dot]org |
12 | Sri. Suresh K S | Head of Department, Research & Development |
9447039485 sureshks[at]cdit[dot]org |
13 | Sri. Ganapathy. G | Head of Department, (Technology Extension) & Manager, Communication Course Department |
9895788155 ganups[at]cdit[dot]org |
14 | Sri. Rohith Panicker | Manager, Digitization department & Head of Department (Accounts) |
9895788211 rohith[at]cdit[dot]org |
15 | Dr. Sajan Ambadiyil | Head of Department, (Optical Image Processing & Security Products) |
9447827852 sajan[at]cdit[dot]org |
16 | Sri. Karthikeyan S | Head of Department, Animation & Digital Archives Department |
9847661702 itzkarthik[at]cdit[dot]org |
17 | Assistant Manager (Stores) | ||
18 | Sri. Vinod N | Head of the Department Green Energy& Technology |
9895788233 vinodcdit[at]gmail[dot]com |
19 | Sri. Dinesh Murali | SID, Data entry supervision in Secretariat and technical support in the CMO portal project | 8138912651 dineshmurali[at]cdit[dot]org |
20 | Sri. Alex.H.T | Head of Department, C-DIT Automation |
8547807720 alexcdit[at]gmail[dot]com |
21 | Sri. Lal Mohan. V | Head of Department, Engineering Services Division, SA, HW & NW |
9995801920 lalmohan[at]cdit[dot]org |
22 | Smt. Sheeba Beevi. S. R | Head of Department, Hardware Maintenance |
8138914651 sheebasr[at]gmail[dot]com |
23 | Smt. Reshmi Chandran | Head of Department, (Admn)/Technology Extension |
9746070178 resmicnair[at]gmail[dot]com |
24 | Smt. Jeena.K.Subhash | Head of the Department, System Integration |
9895078280 jeenasubhash[at]gmail[dot]com jeena[at]cdit[dot]org |
25 | Sri. Aravind. R | Head of Department, Software Development/Informatics |
9746402586 aravind[at]cdit[dot]org |
26 | Smt. Rajitha.K.S | Head of Department, Design & Architecture/Informatics |
9895788226 rajitha[at]cdit[dot]org |
27 | Sri. Ajish.M.R | Head of Department, Implementation/Informatics |
9995010815 ajish[at]cdit[dot]org |
28 | Smt. Rajitha.K.S | Head of Department, Product Development/Informatics |
9895788226 rajitha[at]cdit[dot]org |
29 | Sri. Giby P Abraham | Executive Assistant to Registrar & HOD (Administration &Accounts), Communication Division |
9895028000 jcgiby[at]gmail[dot]com |
30 | Sri. Jayahari K.V. | Centre Manager, Regional Centre, Kannur |
9446308571 santhi_krishnan2003[at]yahoo[dot] |
31 | Sri. Harikrishnan.V | Centre Manager, Regional Centre, Ernakulam |
9567673232 hariushas[at]gmail[dot]com |
32 | Sri. Saji.T | Head of Department Regional Centre, Kayamkulam |
9895788227 sajikylm[at]gmail[dot]com |
33 | Sri. Anish P | Head of Department Web Design Department [WDD] |
9633133305 anishsooraj[at]gmail[dot]com |
34 | Sri. Sumesh J.S | Head of Department Streaming & Cloud Services Department(S&CSD) |
9633034181 jssumesh[at]gmail[dot]com |
35 | Smt. Sarika T. K | Project Manager, FMS-MVD project |
9895788311 sarika[at]gmail[dot]com |
35 | Sri. Pradeep N.S. | HOD Purchase Department |