Ranked/ Short List 2023
- Rank List of TECHNICAT ASSISTANT HARDWARE dated 18-12-23
- Rank List of Technical Assistant dated 25-11-23
- Rank List of Assistant Sound Recordist Cum Audio Console Operator dated 06-11-23
- Rank List of Assistant Video Editor dated 06-11-23
- Rank List of Light Assistant Cum Console Operator dated 06-11-23
- Rank List of Associate Camera Person dated 06-11-23
- Rank List of Camera Assistant dated 06-11-23
- Rank List of Logistic Assistant dated 06-11-23
- Rank List of Production Support Organizer dated 06-11-23
- Rank List of Senior Motion Graphic Artist dated 06-11-23
- Rank list of Apprentice Trainees - Computer Science & Engineering (Diploma) Rank list of Apprentice Trainees - Computer Science & Engineering (Diploma) - dated 31-10-23
- Rank list of Apprentice Trainees - Electronics & Instrumentation (Diploma) - dated 31-10-23
- Rank list of Apprentice Trainees - Computer Hardware (Diploma) - dated 31-10-23
- Rank list of Apprentice Trainees - Electronics Engineering (Diploma) - dated 31-10-23
- Rank list of Apprentice Trainees - Electrical & Electronics (Diploma) - dated 31-10-23
- Rank list of Apprentice Trainees - Electrical & Electronics (B.Tech) - dated 30-10-23
- Rank list of Apprentice Trainees - Electronics & Communication (B.Tech) - dated 30-10-23
- Ranklist - Hardware/ Server Support Assistant - dated 03/10/2023
- Ranklist - Solution Architect - dated 03/10/2023
- Ranklist - Project Manager - dated 03/10/2023
- Ranklist - Data Base cum Server Administrator - dated 03/10/2023
- Rank List - UI/UX developer - dated 12/09/23
- Rank List - Software Engineer (Java) - dated 22/08/2023
- Rank List - Business Analyst - dated 22/08/2023
- Ranklist of candidate for the post of Programmer - dated 10/08/2023
- Ranklist - NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR (NA) - dated 31/07/2023
- Ranklist - SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR (SA) - dated 31/07/2023
- Ranklist - ASSISTANT SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR (ASA) - dated 31/07/2023
- Ranklist - Animation, Modeling & Texturing Artist (Trainees) - dated 31/07/2023
- Ranklist - Game Developer (Trainees) - dated 31/07/2023
- Ranklist of Senior Graphic Designer - dated 19/07/23
- Ranklist of Senior Project Supervisor - dated 19/07/23
- Ranklist of Web Developer - dated 14/07/23
- Ranklist of Senior Software Engineer (PHP) - dated 14/07/23
- Ranklist of Software Engineer (PHP) - dated 14/07/23
- Ranklist of Digital Content Strategist - dated 08/06/23
- Ranklist of AR VR 3D Modeling & Rigging Artist - dated 31/05/23
- Ranklist of AR VR 3D Texturing Artist - dated 31/05/23
- Ranklist of Software Developer AR VR - dated 31/05/23
- Ranklist of Graphic Creation Artist - dated 29/05/23
- Ranklist of Graphic Camers Assistant - dated 29/05/23
- Ranklist of candidate for the temporary engagement of Media Content Strategist - dated 29/05/23
- Ranklist of candidate for the temporary engagement of Video Editor - dated 29/05/23
- Ranklist of candidate for the temporary engagement of Content Analyst - dated 29/05/23
- Ranklist of candidate for the temporary engagement of Motion Graphic Artist - dated 29/05/23
- Ranklist of candidate for the temporary engagement of Assistant Video Editor - dated 29/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Senior Research Associate - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Program Manager - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Graphic Designer - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Chief Animator - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Digital marketing Intern - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Digital Marketing Expert - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Software Developer Trainee based on interview held on 16th & 17th March 2023 - dated 24/03/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Content Developer based on the Interview held on 01.03.2023 - dated 20/03/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Media Content Analyst based on the Interview held on 01.03.2023 - dated 20/03/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of UI/UX DEVELOPER based on the Skill test and Interview held on 05 February 2023 - dated 18/03/2023
- Ranked list of empanelled Image editing/pdf editing personnel on Work Contract basis - dated 28/02/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Server Administrator - dated 14/02/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Graphic Designer - dated 14/02/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Graphic Designer Trainee - dated 14/02/2023
- Rank List - Electrician dated 06/01/2023
- Shortlist for Interview of Technical Assistant (Tvm, Kottayam, Kozhikode) - dated 06/11/23
- Shortlist of Logistic Assistant - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Senior Motion Graphics Artist - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Asst. Sound Recordist cum Audio Console Operator - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Production Support Organiser - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Light Assistant cum Console Operator - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Media Content Analyst - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Camera Assistant - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Associate Camera Person - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Assistant Video Editor - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Associate Video Producer - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Technical Assistant ( Hardware) - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Technical Assistant - dated 06/10/2023
- Shortlist of Database cum Server Administrator - dated 13/09/2023
- Shortlist of Technical Assistant (Hardware/Server) - dated 13/09/2023
- Shortlist of Senior Software Engineer - Java - dated 11/08/2023
- Shortlist of Senior UI/UX Developer - dated 11/08/2023
- Interview - Shortlist of candidate for the post of Business Analyst- dated 10/08/2023
- Interview - Shortlist of candidate for the post of Software Engineer (Java) - dated 10/08/2023
- Interview - Shortlist of candidate for the post of UI/UX Developer - dated 10/08/2023
- Shortlist of candidate for the post of Project Manager - dated 02/08/2023
- Shortlist of candidate for the post of Solution Architect - dated 02/08/2023
- Shortlist of candidate for the post of Software Engineer(Java) - dated 01/08/2023
- Shortlist of candidate for the post of Senior Software Engineer(Java) - dated 01/08/2023
- Shortlist of candidate for the post of Business Analyst - dated 01/08/2023
- Shortlist of candidate for the post of Senior UI UX Developer - dated 01/08/2023
- Shortlist of candidate for the post of UI UX Developer - dated 01/08/2023
- Short list of candidates for the post of Animation, Modeling & Texturing Artist (Trainees) - dated 20/07/2023
- Short list of candidates for the post of Game Developer (Trainees) - dated 20/07/2023
- Short list of candidate for temporary engagement to the position of Zonal Manager - dated 13/07/2023
- Short list of candidate for temporary engagement to the position of Assistant System Administrator - dated 13/07/2023
- Short list of candidate for temporary engagement to the position of System Administrator - dated 13/07/2023
- Short list of candidate for temporary engagement to the position of Network Administrator - dated 13/07/2023
- Short List of candidate for interview of Senior Project Supervisor - dated 11/07/2023
- Short List of candidate for interview of Senior Graphic Designer - dated 11/07/2023
- Short List of candidate for interview of Senior Software Engineer (PHP) - dated 03/07/2023
- Short List of candidates for interview of Web Developer - dated 27/06/2023
- Short List of candidates for interview of Software Engineer-PHP - dated 27/06/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for skill test for the post of Senior Software Engineer (PHP) - dated 16/06/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for skill test for the post of Software Engineer (PHP) - dated 16/06/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for skill test for the post of Web Developer - dated 16/06/2023
- Short List of candidates for Skill Test and Interview for the temporary engagement of Software Developer -AR/VR - dated 23/05/2023
- Short List of candidates for Skill Test and Interview for the temporary engagement of AR/VR 3D Modelling & Rigging Artist - dated 23/05/2023
- Short List of candidates for Skill Test and Interview for the temporary engagement of AR/VR 3D Texturing Artist - dated 23/05/2023
- Short List of candidates for Interview for the temporary engagement of Digital Media Strategist - dated 21/05/2023
- Short list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Content Analyst - dated 17/05/23
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Digital Marketing Expert - dated 12/04/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Digital Marketing Expert intern - dated 12/04/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Assistant Manager HR - dated 12/04/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Program Manager - dated 12/04/2023
- Candidate shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Content Analyst - dated 11/04/2023
- Candidate shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Video Producer - Program Coordinator - dated 11/04/2023
- Candidate shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Assistant Video Producer - dated 11/04/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Chief Animator - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Graphic Designer - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Senior Research Associate - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Media Content Strategist - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Assistant Video Editor - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Video Editor - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Motion Graphic Artist - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Digital Content Strategist - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Camera Assistant - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Graphic Creation Assistant - dated 24/03/2023
- Short List -Software Developer Trainee - dated 28/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Business Analyst - dated 02/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Graphic Designer Trainee - dated 02/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Graphic Designer - dated 02/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of UI/UX Developer - dated 02/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for skill test for the post of Server Administrator - dated 27/01/2023
- Candidates Shortlisted for skill test for the post of Software Developer Trainee - dated 27/01/2023
- Short List - Media content analyst dated 16/01/2023
- Short List - Content Developer dated 16/01/2023
- Rank List_Online Interview_SE(Java)_22.08.2023
- Rank List_Online Interview_BA_22.08.2023
- Short List of candidates for Interview for the temporary engagement of Digital Media Strategist - dated 21/05/2023
- Short list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Content Analyst - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Senior Research Associate - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Program Manager - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Graphic Designer - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Chief Animator - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Digital marketing Intern - dated 17/05/23
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Digital Marketing Expert - dated 17/05/23
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Digital Marketing Expert - dated 12/04/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Digital Marketing Expert intern - dated 12/04/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Assistant Manager HR - dated 12/04/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Program Manager - dated 12/04/2023
- Candidate shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Content Analyst - dated 11/04/2023
- Candidate shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Video Producer - Program Coordinator - dated 11/04/2023
- Candidate shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Assistant Video Producer - dated 11/04/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Chief Animator - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Graphic Designer - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Senior Research Associate - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Media Content Strategist - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Assistant Video Editor - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Video Editor - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Motion Graphic Artist - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Digital Content Strategist - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Camera Assistant - dated 24/03/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the temporary post of Graphic Creation Assistant - dated 24/03/2023
- Rank list of candidates for the temporary engagement of Software Developer Trainee based on interview held on 16th & 17th March 2023 - dated 24/03/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Content Developer based on the Interview held on 01.03.2023 - dated 20/03/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Media Content Analyst based on the Interview held on 01.03.2023 - dated 20/03/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of UI/UX DEVELOPER based on the Skill test and Interview held on 05 February 2023 - dated 18/03/2023
- Ranked list of empanelled Image editing/pdf editing personnel on Work Contract basis - dated 28/02/2023
- Short List -Software Developer Trainee - dated 28/02/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Server Administrator - dated 14/02/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Graphic Designer - dated 14/02/2023
- Rank List of candidates for the temporary engagement of Graphic Designer Trainee - dated 14/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Business Analyst - dated 02/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Graphic Designer Trainee - dated 02/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of Graphic Designer - dated 02/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for Skill Test & Interview for the post of UI/UX Developer - dated 02/02/2023
- Candidates shortlisted for skill test for the post of Server Administrator - dated 27/01/2023
- Candidates Shortlisted for skill test for the post of Software Developer Trainee - dated 27/01/2023
- Short List - Media content analyst dated 16/01/2023
- Short List - Content Developer dated 16/01/2023
- Rank List - Electrician dated 06/01/2023